Friday, 23 September 2011

five meal ideas #1

Be under no misconception, reaching your fat loss or muscle gain goal will take time. Getting to your fitness destination is a marathon, not a sprint. Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither will your dream body. With this said one of the main areas so many people fall down on is not being consistent with the diet. It could be lack of preparation time or lack of healthy meal ideas. Besides eating right doesn’t have to be about bland chicken breasts, boring brown rice and dry steamed vegetables at every meal. My main aim of this post is to give you some inspiration for creative healthy meal ideas that taste good, can be made in under 15 minutes and can be suited to any fitness goal.
The rules of good nutrition
Whatever meal you choose to eat if you stick to these simple rules you can’t go wrong!
·         Eat 5-6 small meals a day
·         Stay away from sugars and processed foods
·         Focus on consuming lean proteins with every meal
·         Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables
·         Drink 3+ litres of filtered/bottled water a day
·         Save starchy carbs for breakfast or after a workout.

Chicken and sweetcorn pizza bagel (wholemeal)

Tuna salad (made with tinned tuna, lettuce, spinach, cucumber, avocado and drizzled with olive oil)

Honey, peanut butter and banana bagel (wholemeal). Perfect for muscle glycogen replenishment post workout or at breakfast

Buffalo meatballs with roasted red peppers and brown rice

Steak, sweet potato wedges and steamed vegetables drizzled with olive oil

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